Many communities rely on the honor system to keep dog poop off shared lawns and sidewalks. But all it takes is one inconsiderate pet owner to ruin it for everyone. Thanks to DNA testing, some property managers in Wisconsin are now able to trace abandoned pet waste directly back to the dog and the owner responsible for it, TMJ4 reports.
The company PooPrints Wisconsin has collaborated with roughly 60 apartment complexes in the state to hold dog owners accountable for their pet's business. In order for a dog to move into one of these buildings, their cheeks must be swabbed for DNA that's stored in the official PooPrints registry. If an unauthorized pile is ever spotted on one of the properties, the apartment manager tests the sample for DNA and runs it against the database in search of a match.
According to one Wisconsin apartment's policies, tenants found guilty of failing to pick up their dog's poop face fines upwards of $300. But PooPrints reports that their DNA-matching service is rarely used—just the threat of being caught is usually enough to encourage residents to clean up after their pets.
Wisconsin isn't the only state where building managers can test poop left on the premises. PooPrints works with properties throughout the U.S. and Canada.
[h/t TMJ4]