Augmented Reality App Shows What Important Women in History Would Look Like on Our Currency

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Once upon a time, a woman nearly became the face of a U.S. bank note for the first time in history. In 2016, the U.S. Treasury Department announced plans to put abolitionist Harriet Tubman on the front of the $20 bill (with President Andrew Jackson relegated to the back). Those plans now appear to be on hold, but future prospects for Tubman tender aren't entirely off the table.

Until then, we have technology to help us imagine what some of history’s most accomplished women may look like on our currency. As The Kid Should See This explains, Google and former U.S. Treasurer Rosie Rios teamed up to create an Augmented Reality (AR) app for iOS and Android called Notable Women. The goal?: “Swapping out the faces we all know for the faces we all should.”

Here’s how it works: Simply hold your phone or device over any U.S. bill, and the face on the bank note will be replaced with that of a notable woman in history. A brief description of her accomplishments appears on the screen, making it a great visual tool for history students. Lesson plans for teachers (grades 3 through 12) are also available on the Notable Women website.

In 2015, Rios worked with the Treasury Department to create a list of hundreds of women who would be well-deserving of a spot on our currency. Tubman was ultimately chosen, but Rios didn’t let it end there. “I couldn’t help but think, why do we have to choose just one? Couldn’t there be some way to celebrate all of these women on our currency?” she says in a video promoting the app.

Ready to digitally revamp your dollar bill? Tubman and 99 other women are available for you to choose from. A few of them include Eleanor Roosevelt, Maya Angelou, Rosa Parks, Amelia Earhart, Susan B. Anthony, and Sally Ride.

[h/t The Kid Should See This]