Peter Capaldi plays the 12th Doctor of the Doctor Who series, but some fans count more of them, depending on whether you count John Hurt as the War Doctor and/or Peter Cushing as the movie Doctor. No matter how you count them, there are many artists and crafts folk who feel the need to have a complete set. And not only a complete set, but often a complete set reimagined in a different species or medium. Keep in mind that a “complete” set depends on not only how many Doctors one counts, but also whether a set was generated before the 12th Doctor was announced.
1. Dogs

DeviantART member tee-kyrin (Christie Cox) illustrated 13 “Dogtor” Whos, assigning a dog breed to each of the Doctors by looks and temperament. The breeds are greyhound, Boston terrier, sheepdog, flandoodle, yellow lab, cocker spaniel, Basset hound, Irish setter, schnauzer, Doberman pinscher, long-haired chihuahua, mutt, and Irish wolfhound.

Each incarnation also gets its own portrait. Shown here is the 4th Dogtor. See all of them all in tee-kyrin’s gallery.
2. Cats

Scientific illustrator Jenny Parks reimagines a world of pop culture characters as cats. This is her Doctor Who series called Doctor Mew, with 13 cats as each of the Doctors. It’s for sale as a poster at Etsy. Parks also has collections of cats as Star Trek characters, comic book heroes, and movie casts. Check out her science illustrations, too.
3. Owls

The Doctor Hoo pun has been around for as long as Doctor Who himself, but it’s still cute. DeviantART member pupukachoo put eleven Doctors as owls on one branch in this delightful painting. The design is available on a t-shirt.
4. Bunnies

Illustrator Lar DeSouza imagined the Doctors as Velveteen Rabbits. Eleven of them exist together in one print called All the Bunnies, which is for sale.
5. Ducks

This one isn’t exactly a complete set of Doctors, but since we’ve done other animals, this illustration from Everything is Better with Ducks just seems to belong here. These ducks by Tea are modeled after the Tenth Doctor, a Dalek, and a TARDIS.
6. Easter Eggs

Christie Cox (who did the dogs) also made Easter eggs in the likenesses of eleven Doctors last year. She photographed them, and then ate them as deviled eggs.
7. Simpsonized

Dean at Springfield Punx renders many pop culture characters in the Matt Groening style of The Simpsons. He’s done each of the Doctors over time. This wallpaper shows twelve of them, the first eleven Doctors plus the War Doctor.

Dean later illustrated the twelfth Doctor, Peter Capaldi, in the same style.
8. Women

Gladys at Rocket Surgery reimagined eleven Doctors as women in the series Time Ladies. As far as I know, the series would work just as well if the Doctor regenerated as a woman. See some of her other Doctor Who fan art.
9. Charms

DeviantART member Cinnamonster made this awesome charm bracelet featuring eleven Doctors (plus a TARDIS) modeled of polymer clay and painted appropriately. It’s a one-of-a-kind artwork. As new Doctors are added to the canon, she can add more charms!
10. Amigurumi

Allison Hoffman at Crafty is Cool completed a commissioned collection of Doctor Who amigurumi figures, featuring the likenesses of eleven actors who've portrayed the Doctor as of 2012. At the site, you can see all the crocheted Doctors side-by-side with the TV version. One clever detail is that the first Doctor, from the early 60s, is crocheted in black, white, and gray, except for the skin tone, as the series was broadcast in black-and-white at that time. If you'd like to try this yourself, you can order the patterns from Hoffman's Etsy shop.
This post was inspired by my friend oneswellfoop.