This High-Tech Rubik's Cube Lets You Compete With Friends Around the World

Particula, GoCube
Particula, GoCube | Particula, GoCube

Casual players might treat a Rubik's cube as a relaxing way to pass the time, but for serious cubers, every session is an opportunity to best their personal record. Now, there's a new type of Rubik's cube that makes the classic game more competitive than ever. GoCube uses built-in sensors to record your performance and connect you with different players, as Fast Company reports.

The puzzle looks like a regular Rubik's cube, with nine moveable squares on each face. What makes it so different is its high-tech capabilities. Every time you twist a row, GoCube makes a note of it. The connected app shows you how long it took you to solve the cube and what you need to do to solve it even faster next time.

If you have friends with GoCubes of their own, you can battle them remotely. Just send an invitation through the app and their cube will light up to show that someone has challenged them to a game. But if you're the first one in your circle to get the toy, that isn't a problem—GoCube lets you compete with strangers around the world.

The new gadget isn't just for players who treat cubing like a sport. GoCube can also be used to play mini-games, like challenges that have users twist the cube to match a beat instead of trying to move as fast as possible.

GoCube is currently available on Kickstarter and Indiegogo. You can purchase your own GoCube through the crowdfunding platforms for $69, with delivery estimated for April of next year.

[h/t Fast Company]