It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, and Charles Dickens wrote it all down—the gruesome truths about Victorian England and the perils of Britain’s social class system. His unprecedented celebrity made him the most popular novelist of his century, and since then Dickens’s books have never been out of print. But the author of Great Expectations, Bleak House, A Christmas Carol, and dozens of other works was more than just a writer. Here’s what you should know about Dickens.
February 7, 1812, Portsmouth, Hampshire, England | June 9, 1870, Chatham, Kent, England | A Christmas Carol (1843), A Tale of Two Cities (1859), Great Expectations (1861) |
1. Charles Dickens was forced to work at a young age.
The eldest son of Elizabeth and John Dickens was born in February 1812 on Portsea Island in the British city of Portsmouth, and moved around with his family in his younger years to Yorkshire and then London. He was, admittedly, a “very small and not over-particularly-taken-care-of boy."
When his father was called to London again to be a clerk in the Naval Pay Office, the elder Dickens amassed so much debt that the entire family—except for Charles and his older sister Fanny—were sent to Marshalsea debtors’ prison (later the setting of Dickens’s novel Little Dorrit).
Left to fend for himself at only 12 years old, Dickens had to drop out of private school and work at Warren’s Blacking Warehouse along the River Thames, earning six shillings a week pasting labels onto blacking pots used for shoe polish.
2. Another job taught Dickens how to write.
In 1827 and 1828, the 15-year-old Dickens found work as a junior clerk at the law office of Ellis and Blackmore—but instead of brushing up on legal work to eventually become a lawyer, he voraciously studied the shorthand method of writing developed by Thomas Gurney. The skill allowed him to begin working as a reporter in the 1830s covering Parliament and British elections for outlets like The Morning Chronicle.
3. Dickens published works under a pseudonym.

Dickens’s first published works appeared in 1833 and 1834 without his author’s byline. In August 1834, his short story “The Boarding-House,” published in the Monthly Magazine, featured his chosen pseudonym, “Boz.” The single-syllable name came from a childhood rendering of the character Moses from Irish writer Oliver Goldsmith’s 1766 novel The Vicar of Wakefield, which was later mentioned in Dickens’s A Tale of Two Cities.
Dickens called his brother Augustus “Moses,” but later explained it was “facetiously pronounced through the nose, [and] became Boses, and being shortened, became Boz. Boz was a very familiar household word to me, long before I was an author, and so I came to adopt it.” The nom de plume became so popular that Dickens published a compilation of his essays and short fiction called Sketches by Boz in 1839.
4. He doesn’t have anything to do with the phrase what the dickens.
In the phrase what the dickens, dickens was “was a substitute for ‘the devil,’ or the deuce (a card or a dice with two spots), the doubling of the devil in short,” author John Bowen explained in his book Other Dickens: Pickwick to Chuzzlewit. The Oxford English Dictionary traces the word back to a work by Thomas Heywood published in 1599—more than 200 years before Dickens was born. Shakespeare also used the phrase in The Merry Wives of Windsor, which one character saying, “I cannot tell what the dickens his name is my husband had him of.”
5. Dickens might have had epilepsy.
Though any indication he might have suffered from epilepsy isn’t corroborated by contemporary medical records, Dickens did return to the neurological disorder enough times in his work that some speculate that he might have drawn from his own experiences with seizures. Characters such as Guster from Bleak House, Monks from Oliver Twist, and Bradley Headstone from Our Mutual Friend all had epilepsy.
6. America was not his favorite place.

By the time he first journeyed to America in 1842 on a lecture tour—later chronicled in his travelogue American Notes for General Circulation—Dickens was an international celebrity because of his writing, and he was received as such when he toured east coast cities like Boston and New York.
“I can do nothing that I want to do, go nowhere where I want to go, and see nothing that I want to see,” he complained in a letter about his U.S. travels. “If I turn into the street, I am followed by a multitude.”
Though he loved the fast-growing cities and was awed by a trip west to the American prairie, Dickens didn’t necessarily have the best time on the whole. Especially in the country's capital: “As Washington may be called the headquarters of tobacco-tinctured saliva,” he wrote, “the time is come when I must confess, without any disguise, that the prevalence of those two odious practices of chewing and expectorating began about this time to be anything but agreeable, and soon became most offensive and sickening.”
7. He helped the search for the Sir John Franklin’s lost expedition.

The author used his influence to help Lady Jane Franklin search for her husband, Sir John Franklin, who disappeared in the Arctic along with 128 crew on the HMS Erebus and HMS Terror while searching for the Northwest Passage in 1845. Dickens wrote a two-part analysis of the ill-fated voyage called “The Lost Arctic Voyagers,” and even lectured across Britain hoping to raise money for a rescue mission.
In the end, the missing vessels weren’t found until 2014 and 2016, respectively, and various explanations for the crew’s fate have been suggested. But at the time, Dickens gave in to racist sentiment and blamed the Inuit, writing, “No man can, with any show of reason, undertake to affirm that this sad remnant of Franklin's gallant band were not set upon and slain by the Esquimaux themselves … We believe every savage to be in his heart covetous, treacherous, and cruel.” Inuit oral histories and other evidence show that Franklin’s men actually died from starvation, disease, or exposure.
8. Dickens perfected the cliffhanger ending.
Most of Dickens’s novels—including classics like David Copperfield and Oliver Twist—were initially written in monthly, weekly, or infrequent installments on a subscription basis or in magazines, only to be republished in complete book form later. In doing so, Dickens employed cliffhangers from chapter to chapter to get eager readers to buy subsequent episodes.
In one 1841 incident, American readers were so anxious to know what happened in Dickens’s The Old Curiosity Shop that they flocked to docks in New York harbor, hoping to ask passengers arriving from Europe whether they’d read the ending of the story and if the character of Nell had died. (Spoiler alert: She did.)
9. He had pet ravens.

Dickens owned a beloved raven he named Grip, and it even appears as a character in his novel Barnaby Rudge. In an 1841 letter to a friend named George Cattermole, Dickens said he wanted the titular character of the book “always in company with a pet raven, who is immeasurably more knowing than himself. To this end I have been studying my bird, and think I could make a very queer character of him.”
Following the bird’s death (likely from eating lead paint chips) later that year, Dickens replaced it with another raven, also called Grip, which inspired Edgar Allan Poe’s poem “The Raven.” (According to Mark Dawidziak in A Mystery of Mysteries: The Death and Life of Edgar Allan Poe, the author was “taken with Grip” while reading Barnaby Rudge, writing in his review, “The raven, too, intensely amusing as it is, might have been made, more than we now see it, a portion of the conception of the fantastic Barnaby. Its croakings might have been prophetically heard in the course of the drama.” Dawidziak writes that Poe “filed this idea away” for his own poem.) When the second Grip also met his demise, Dickens had a taxidermist stuff and mount the bird in an elaborate wooden and glass case, which is now in the Free Library of Philadelphia’s collection.
10. Dickens had his pet cat’s paw stuffed.
Not to be outdone by birds, companions of the feline variety also accompanied Dickens throughout his life, with the author once declaring, “What greater gift than the love of a cat?”
According to his daughter, Dickens’s cat Bob “follow[ed] him about the garden like a dog, and [sat] with him while he wrote.” When the cat died in 1862, Dickens had its paw stuffed and mounted to an ivory letter opener and engraved with “C.D., In memory of Bob, 1862.” The letter opener is now part of the Berg Collection of English and American Literature at the New York Public Library.
11. He loved Little Red Riding Hood.
In 1850, Dickens began editing a weekly magazine, Household Words, to which he also contributed short fiction and serialized novels. In one of his first stories for the magazine, the autobiographical “A Christmas Tree,” Dickens described his earliest muse as the main character in the fairytale Little Red Riding Hood—perhaps as a way of dealing with his own childhood innocence devoured by unexpected evils. “She was my first love,” he wrote. “I felt that if I could have married Little Red Riding-Hood, I should have known perfect bliss. But, it was not to be.”
12. Dickens wasn’t afraid to speak his mind.
In an 1860 letter written to Florence Marryat, the daughter of his friend Captain Frederick Marryat, Dickens berated her after she asked him for writing advice and submitted a short story for a literary journal he was editing called All the Year Round.
“To read professed contributions honestly, and communicate a perfectly unprejudiced decision respecting every one of them to its author or authoress, is a task, of the magnitude of which you evidently have no conception,” Dickens told her. “I cannot […] alter what seems to me to be the fact regarding this story (for instance), any more than I can alter my eyesight or my hearing. I do not deem it suitable for my Journal,” and later telling her plainly, “I do not think it is a good story.”
13. He was a prodigious wordsmith.
Not to be outdone by the likes of William Shakespeare, Dickens was the other British writer known to create words and phrases of his own. Thank Dickens for words and phrases like butter-fingers, flummox, the creeps, dustbin, ugsome, slangular, and more.
14. Dickens started a home for “fallen women.”
With help from millionaire banking heiress Angela Coutts, Dickens set up and managed Urania Cottage, a rehabilitation home for unhoused women, ex-prisoners, and sex workers so they could (hopefully) emigrate to Britain’s colonies and reintegrate into Victorian society.
According to The Guardian, Dickens would “visit the house in Shepherd’s Bush, often several times a week, to supervise it, select inmates, consult with prison governors, hire and fire matrons, deal with the drains and the gardener, report to Coutts in detail several times a week on whatever was happening there, handle the money, keep careful written accounts of the backgrounds of the girls, and arrange their emigration to Australia, South Africa, or Canada.”
15. He was a Victorian ghostbuster.
In an era of séances and mediums, when many Victorians believed in both spiritualism and science, Dickens didn’t discriminate. In fact, along with other authors like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (who also owned a psychic bookstore) and William Butler Yeats (who once got into a magical duel with Aleister Crowley), he was a member of the Ghost Club, a kind of members-only group that attempted to investigate supposed supernatural encounters and hauntings, often exposing frauds in the process.
It makes sense, considering that some of Dickens’s best-known works, like A Christmas Carol, hinge on the supernatural. But unlike Conan Doyle, he remained a skeptic.
“My own mind is perfectly unprejudiced and impressible on the subject. I do not in the least pretend that such things are not,” Dickens said in a September 1859 letter to writer William Howitt. “But … I have not yet met with any Ghost Story that was proved to me, or that had not the noticeable peculiarity in it—that the alteration of some slight circumstance would bring it within the range of common natural probabilities.”
16. He wrote more Christmas stories than just the one you’re thinking of.
A Christmas Carol may be his most famous Christmas story, but Dickens was also the author of other holiday-themed tales, like The Chimes (which, again, deals with spirits), and The Cricket on the Hearth, a story that features another main character go through a Scrooge-like transformation of the heart.
17. A train crash nearly derailed Our Mutual Friend.
On June 10, 1865, Dickens was traveling home from France when his train derailed while crossing a bridge, and his car was left dangling from the tracks. After finding a conductor to give him keys to the seven first-class train cars that had tumbled into the river below, the then-53-year-old writer helped save stranded passengers. When all was said and done, he was forced to climb back into the dangling car to retrieve a just-completed missing installment of Our Mutual Friend that he was supposed to send to his publishers.
18. Dickens was buried in Westminster Abbey against his wishes.

The author had specific plans for how he wanted to spend eternity. He initially wished to be buried next to his wife Catherine’s sister, his muse Mary Hogarth (who had died in 1837 and was buried in Kensal Green Cemetery in London). He then requested to be buried in a simple grave in the cemetery of Rochester Cathedral in Kent.
Dickens collapsed from a stroke while dining with his wife's other sister, Georgina Hogarth, at his home; he died on June 9, 1870. But he didn’t end up in either of his chosen spots. Instead, he was whisked away to the Poets’ Corner of Westminster Abbey because the Dean of Westminster, Arthur Stanley, wanted a famous writer to give some cultural significance to the Abbey at the time.
Despite stipulating in his will that “no public announcement be made of the time or place of my burial,” hundreds of thousands of people lined up to walk past his body in Westminster Abbey.
A version of this story ran in 2018; it has been updated for 2023.