Watch Mark Hamill Sing in German in This Bizarre 1980 Star Wars Parody

Rich Fury, Getty Images
Rich Fury, Getty Images | Rich Fury, Getty Images

In today’s social media-driven world, where everyone’s got a camera on their smartphone, celebrities know that it’s impossible to get away with anything. Unfortunately for them, and fortunately for us, that same technology has made it possible to dredge up embarrassing moments of the past, as Mark Hamill knows all too well.

As if the easy availability of The Star Wars Holiday Special weren’t bad enough, one Star Wars fan reminded Hamill—and the world—of a bizarre 1980 appearance the Luke Skywalker actor made on a German variety show, where he drifted in on an animated moon. And sang. In German.

Ever the good sport, Hamill took to Twitter to recall his own memory of the appearance, only to conclude that his final thought was: “Who cares? No one outside of Germany will ever see this!”

Thankfully, there's no Jedi mind trick to erase this appearance from your memory.

[h/t: The Daily Dot]