Happy National Dog Day! Celebrate by taking a look at these historical pictures of pooches. All photos and captions courtesy of Getty Images.
1. 1860: A canine amateur photographer.

2. 1867: A Victorian family sitting outside their country home.

3. 1890: A woman posing for a portrait in a photographic studio with her dog.

4. 1890: Children of the Klondike area of Yukon Territory, Canada, sitting with their dog by a street sign. In the 1890's there was a great gold rush here, yielding over $22 million worth of gold in one peak year of production.

5. 1895: A pet dog sitting on the dining room table whilst a couple has their dinner.

6. 1904: A party of holidaymakers at the seaside.

7. 1908: A young crocodile, the perfect new pet for ladies, as demonstrated by this woman and her dog at Bostock's Jungle, Earls Court.

8.1910: Lady Aberdeen, wife of British statesman John Campbell Hamilton Gordon (1847 - 1934), 7th Earl of Aberdeen, with her dogs at Dublin Castle.

9. 1917: A member of the American medical staff, who are playing in a baseball match at Epsom, holds their bulldog mascot which is in uniform.

10. 1924: Natalie Kingston, one of Mack Sennett's bathing belles, is pictured on the beach, embracing her dog.

11. 1925: A dog dressed in a suit tries to get past a security guard at the Metro Goldwyn Mayer studios.

12. 1925: A young child with a bowl and a little dog on a lead.

13. 1926: Mrs H Bebbington and her Great Dane Hereward of Cubourough at the Croydon Dog Show.

14. 1926: Ralph Miller spars with 10-month old "Battling Von," a member of the Melford Kennels AC of Los Angeles.

15. 1926: Mr. Barnard, a member of the London Aero Club, makes sure that his canine co-pilot has the right goggles.

16. 1929: American President Calvin Coolidge with his wife and dog in front of the White House.

17. 1930: Mrs. Bernard Cathbert drapes one of her chow dogs around her shoulders in the garden of Omar House, Catford, London.

18. 1932: A doggie produces a milk bottle in an effort to stem the flood of tears from its charge.

19. 1934: Wally Kilminster enjoys a foam bath with his dog in the dressing rooms at Wembley Stadium.

20. 1935: Little Evelyn Luff with her entourage of Saint Bernard dogs at Staines Abbots Pass kennels, near Reigate in Surrey.

21. 1938: A kennel-maid from Ifield Kennels takes to a bicycle to exercise two French Poodles.

22. 1941: American President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in his car with his Scottish terrier, Fala.

23. 1954: A cyclist in Holland transports her pet dog in one of the panniers on the back of her bicycle.

24. 1955: A dog joins its owner at the salon for a cut and blow-dry.

25. 1955: A young pupil from Green Chimneys school, Brewster, New York, playing with a bull terrier.

26. 1960: Actress Audrey Hepburn on a film set with her pet poodle.

27. 1962: Charles Tumbridge riding his scooter through the streets of Kensal Rise, London, with his pet dog Susie in his mobile kennel.

28. 1966: A blind woman relaxes at the local swimming pool, watched over by her guide dog.

29. 1971: Miss Freda Cook wheels in her West Highland White Terriers to the Crufts Dog Show at the Olympia Stadium.