Thanksgiving-Inspired Ice Cream Line Includes Mashed Potato and Salted Caramel Turkey Flavors

Spiced goat cheese and pumpkin pie ice cream.
Spiced goat cheese and pumpkin pie ice cream. | Salt & Straw

Some people enjoy the hours of planning and cooking that come with hosting guests for Thanksgiving. If you’re not one of them, why not lay out a few tubs of ice cream and call it a day? With the new line of flavors from the West Coast ice cream chain Salt & Straw, you just might be able to get away with that plan. As Thrillist reports, the shop’s new seasonal line for November features flavors inspired by the sweet and savory portions of Thanksgiving dinner.

Salt & Straw is known for experimenting with unusual ice cream ingredients, so new varieties like sweet potato casserole with maple pecans, spiced goat cheese and pumpkin pie, and apple cranberry stuffing fit right into their menu. But two of the new flavors are bizarre even by their standards.

The chain describes their buttered mashed potatoes and gravy ice cream as “hands down the most savory one we’ve ever served.” It contains flavoring from real potatoes and a homemade gravy fudge.

Buttered mashed potatoes and gravy.
Buttered mashed potatoes and gravy. | Salt & Straw

Their salted caramel Thanksgiving turkey ice cream also doesn’t skimp on the star ingredient: The distinct taste comes from turkey stock boiled down with sugar, spices, and onions into a rich caramel. Crispy, candy-coated turkey skin adds some crunch to the creamy treat.

Salted caramel Thanksgiving turkey ice cream.
Salted caramel Thanksgiving turkey ice cream. | Salt & Straw

Ice cream gourmands who don’t live near one of the Salt & Straw locations in Portland, Oregon; San Francisco, or Los Angeles can order the package of flavors online for $65. For every pint that’s purchased from their November line, Salt & Straw pledges to donate a pint to the organization Urban Gleaners, which works to fight hunger in Portland. And if you're looking for an equally strange side dish to accompany your Thanksgiving feast, we suggest adding some turkey, cranberry, and pumpkin pie gumballs to your menu.

[h/t Thrillist]