Smokin’ Ed Currie of the PuckerButt Pepper Company attained hot-pepper preeminence in 2013, when he debuted the Carolina Reaper, the hottest hot pepper at the time at up to 2.2 million Scoville Heat Units (SHU). His world record-breaking achievement was surpassed earlier in 2017 by the Dragon’s Breath, a chili accidentally bred by a competitive gardener. Now, Smokin’ Ed is back with what he says beats the taste bud-searing heat of both peppers.
According to Thrillist, so-called “Pepper X” took 10 years to develop. It reportedly clocks in at 3.18 million SHU. For comparison, the Dragon’s Breath chili lands at 2.48 million SHU and a jalapeño at just 5000 SHU. The new pepper isn't officially the world's hottest yet—Smokin’ Ed is still waiting for verification from the Guinness World Records committee. He expects to hear back about his submission’s status sometime in November.
Peppers this spicy aren’t always made available to consumers. Dragon’s Breath, the current world record holder, will be restricted to use in medicine. Unlike that example, Pepper X is already available in hot sauce form. The volatile condiment has been dubbed The Last Dab, and it’s being produced as a collaboration between Smokin’ Ed, The Heatonist hot sauce shop in New York, and First We Feast’s video web series The Hot Ones.
The product will now be used as the final sauce that’s consumed by celebrity guests on the interview show, hence the name. While it’s not quite as scorching as the straight pepper, at 2.4 million SHU it’s still hotter than a Carolina Reaper in its raw form. The Last Dab disappeared from shelves quickly, but you can do your body a favor and watch other people experience it instead. Check out the video below.
[h/t Thrillist]