If gazing at a bluish-green landscape fills you with pleasant, tranquil feelings, you’re not alone. As House Beautiful reports, a deep shade of teal was named the "World’s Favorite Color" by the UK paper company GF Smith.
In the brand's quest to determine the most popular color on earth, GF Smith surveyed thousands of people from more than 100 countries online. A calming hue named Marrs Green was voted the winner.
To celebrate #WorldsFavouriteColour @GFSmithpapers has launched a pop-up shop selling iconic products in, #MarrsGreen (? @gg_archard). pic.twitter.com/L80eVCJjZW
— Colorplan (@colorplanpapers) June 30, 2017
The color is named after Annie Marrs, the survey participant who chose the color closest to the victorious shade. “I’m absolutely delighted to have picked the World's Favorite Color!” she told House Beautiful. “The color was inspired by the landscape that surrounds me at home in Scotland and that deep green hue with a tinge of blue has always been a favorite of mine.”
The world’s favorite color isn’t too far from Pantone’s color of the year for 2017. PANTONE 15-0343, or "Greenery," is meant to signify "the re-connection we seek with nature." The paper company's winning shade falls within that same category of soothing imagery associated with the outdoors.
Marrs Green is the theme of GF Smith’s new line of paper and a collection of products sold at its pop-up shop in London. You can see how the lush dye is made in its video below.
[h/t House Beautiful]