A Dublin Vet Clinic Needs a Cat Cuddler

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Live in Ireland, love cats, and looking for a new job? The purr-fect gig may await in Dublin: As Mashable reports, a local veterinary clinic has posted an online ad seeking a designated “cat cuddler” to stroke, soothe, and snuggle its felines.

Located in Clonsilla, a suburb of Dublin, Just Cats Veterinary Clinic bills itself as the metro region’s only feline-focused vet practice. No dogs are allowed, but both cats and the people who love them are embraced with open arms.

The ad doesn’t list a salary or hours (or whether employees get to write off lint rollers as a work expense), but applicants are required to have a background in veterinary medicine or nursing. "We’re trying to appeal to a wider audience, perhaps a student nurse or someone who wants a change from the clinical side of things," Roisín Foran, head of Just Cats veterinary nursing, told The Irish Independent.

Like many traditional employers, the clinic is seeking someone with good communication skills and mastery of a second language. The hire will “need to be softly spoke and capable of cat whispering to calm the nerves of some of our inpatients,” according to the ad, and the ability to understand “different types of purring” is also a plus. Additional desired qualities are natural “cattitude,” a history of helping needy strays, and “gentle hands capable of petting and stroking cats for long periods of time.”

Qualified ailurophiles can email their cover letter and resume to miaow@justcats.ie—but be sure to submit your materials soon, as Just Cats told The Independent that their phone has been ringing “non-stop” after posting the ad.

[h/t Mashable]