Seemingly Magic Wallet Keeps All the Essentials at Half the Size

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Look, we know that everything in your wallet is completely essential. You never know when you're going to need that expired hotel key or business card from someone you met three years ago. But if you're not careful, you might end up with George's exploding wallet. Avoid fat wallets without sacrificing any of your froyo punch cards with this surprisingly slim wallet. The Wally Bifold is the answer to your fat pocket problems.

This misleading wallet may seem slim, but when you open it up, you can see just how much you can stuff in it. You can fit up to 12 cards or 30 bills in it without sacrificing its flat silhouette. It's even easy to navigate, with a pull tab that lets you access all your cards at once. It's made with full grain leather, for a stylish finish that glides right into your pocket. Get one on Amazon for $59.99.

[h/t Daily Dot]

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