It's awards season, and there may not be fancy dresses and television coverage, but the ALA's awards for children's literature always get librarians talking! See what won the Newbery, Caldecott, and more.
Lance Armstrong is the new James Frey!
Remember The Giver? You know you read it and loved it. (If you haven't read it, do so! It totally holds up as an adult read.) So, a movie—awesome, or awful?
Don't click through, just try and guess: What are the five books that inspire the most literary tattoos? I don't know how scientific their survey was because I was sure The Giving Tree would make it!
Look, I am all for getting people in the library, but ... pole-dancing? Call me a prude but I'm not sure I can stomach that.
And it's not just across that pond that this is happening ... we've got butchering, bowling, and more right here in our own public libraries! My library always has great success with bake-offs, if you want to try one.
Read Brave in St. Paul, get to hang with Lady Gaga? Lucky, lucky teens!
So sweet: A library lends out Kirsten, and the kids love her, of course. She is one of the best American Girls, I must agree. And a follow-up article warms the heart even further.
Not like you need these articulated, because it's pretty obvious, but here are ten excellent reasons to date a bookworm.
Here are 16 great library scenes from the movies to bring some smiles to your face. This should be a supercut! Someone get on that, please.
A LOT of you folks sent me links to info about this revolutionary new public library in San Antonio ... that has NO BOOKS! (No physical books, that is; plenty of digital titles on offer, though.)
Turns out some things Roald Dahl dreamed up could actually happen! This one's for you, James and the Giant Peach fans. (Thanks to 100 Scope Notes for the link!)
* And now for a different list of ten fictional libraries that'd be great to visit (there is some overlap with Miss Cellania's recent links). Go Sunnydale!
* Let's say you want to visit some libraries that actually exist, though. Well, courtesy of the BBC, here's their take on America's five best college libraries. (Thanks to Alex for the link!)
Here's a funny image for you to kick off the weekend, courtesy of Awful Library Books.

Sometimes the book doesn't like you, either!
Famous authors and terrible puns? What's not to like?
Wow! Okay, so there are a lot of creative marriage proposals floating around the web, right? How about this one, in an author's debut children's book? Yup, pretty awesome.
Guys, I saved the best for last! Oh my heavens, this next piece is utterly delightful: a collection of videos of kids reviewing books at the Cortelyou Branch of the Brooklyn Public Library ... in 1983! There goes your afternoon.
Make sure you see the Chocolate Fever girl (#5). We totally need a "Where Are They Now" update for these kids! (Thanks to the Hairpin for the link.)
Thanks for reading! I'll be back next month to share lots of library and literary awesomeness with you. Comment or email me if you've got something to add!