It takes a special person to be able to read binary code quickly enough to realize you’re pronouncing your love for them with this cute card by Etsy seller TheWallaroo.

Even the sky is filled with romance, as long as you know where to look. For proof, look no further than these great space Valentines on Bad Astronomy, as photographed by NASA.

Dungeons and Dragons fans will realize just how sweet this D20 card by Etsy seller PaperTigerGifts really is.

Artist Alexandria Neonakis was commissioned by Valve Software to make a series of Valentine’s Day cards for their popular Portal 2 game. She also has cards featuring Lost, The Office and more, although none of those were officially commissioned by their creators.

Tumblr user Oxboxer posted these great Skyrim Valentines, explaining that “Skyrim is my Valentine.” She since added two more pairs.

Show just how undying your love is with these great linocut zombie cards by artist Elliot Quince.

For those who can’t get enough undead love, here is another great zombie card, this one by Buz Carter of Pizza By The Slice.

Disappointed with the lack of Breaking Bad Valentines in stores, Beth of Butt Horn went ahead and made her own hilarious series of cards dedicated to the series.

While some people consider journalism to be a dying profession, MediaBistro finds it to be one of the most sensual positions a person can have…or at least that’s what their Valentine’s Day card collection would suggest.

If you’ve ever sung “thank you for being a friend,” to someone you care about, then these great cards by Joey Devilla are a great way to remind them that you still consider them “a pal and a confidant.”

These NPR Valentines cards are cute, but most of them are fairly inaccessible to those that don’t actually listen to the station on a regular basis. Even for those that won’t get the in jokes though, this card is something everyone will get –although many recipients won’t be too happy hearing you think they have a face for radio.

They may not be the most romantic cards around, but if you’re looking for a great geek card for one of your friends, you might want to consider one of James Stowes’ Star Wars Valentines.