16 Bizarre Things You Can Pay to Smell Like

Food, fluids, and celebrities all have been the inspiration for perfumes. Here are some fragrances that may have taken the desire to be unique too far.

1. Overweight Electricians

Etat Libre d'Orange has a variety of interesting perfumes, but the most oddly named is "Fat Electrician for Men." The scent is "based on vetiver notes with light, metallic nuances of olive leaves, creamy touch of vanilla, opoponax and myrrh in base notes of the perfume."

2. Gen. Patton


Inspired by General George S. Patton, the U.S. Army has created a cologne called "Patton." It's the perfect smell for fighting Nazis.

3. Play-Doh


Demeter is perhaps the greatest purveyor of odd perfumes. In addition to Play-Doh, their repertoire includes the fragrances "Funeral Home," "Crayon," "Glue," and "Mildew."

4. Urine

Conceptual artist Cherry Tree has been creating a perfume from her own distilled urine for the past five years. In an interview with AOL, Tree said about her inspiration for the scent, "I'm very much into recycling."

5. Lobster

Demeter also makes a fragrance called "Lobster." On their website they describe it like this: "Probably our most obtuse fragrance, but it is 'dead on' so to speak. Demeter's Lobster is a combination of the sea, sweet meat and a hint of drawn butter." Sexy.

6. Bacon


In 1920, a Parisian butcher named John Fargginay discovered what might have already been obvious to everyone else—the smell of bacon made his customers feel good. He began bottling an elixir composed of a blend of 11 essential oils inspired by bacon. Today, a modern version of the scent, Bac?n by Fargginay, is available for sale.

7. Your Blood Type


Blood Concept is a line of fragrances based on the four human blood types, A, B, AB, and O. Don't worry, they don't contain real blood.

8. The Donald


Donald Trump has a cologne, which is of course called "Donald Trump the Fragrance."

9. The Whopper


Deliberately smelling like the Whopper is now an option thanks to Flame by Burger King.

10. Political Parties

If you feel like you don't have enough ways to express your political allegiances, why not try the Republican, Democrat, and Independent fragrances inspired by the respective parties?

11. Your DNA

With the aid of a swab kit, you can get a fragrance inspired by your own genetic makeup from MY DNA Fragrance.

12. Gene Simmons


"Kiss Her" and "Kiss Him" are brought to you by the band KISS.

13. Your Alma Mater


Even if you didn't attend Penn State, you can smell like you did. Other universities that have perfumes include the University of North Carolina, Florida, Tennessee, Alabama, Louisiana State, Georgia and Auburn.

14. Stilton Cheese


The makers of Stilton Cheese created a fromage-inspired perfume, "Eau de Stilton."

15. The Laundromat


One more from Demeter — their "most comforting, comfortable scent."

16. Campfire


A Canadian company called Mythical Matters makes a body and room spray called "Smells Like A Campfire!" All the joys of camping can now be found indoors.

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If none of these appeal to you, just wait until next year. Lady Gaga will be unveiling her perfume, which will allegedly smell of blood and semen. I'll be holding my breath.