You wouldn't have known it before the age of the internet, but yarn crafts can be very geeky. Knitting and crocheting are examples of digital art, so to speak, as the patterns are strings of information rendered in bits. Some craftsters are science fiction fans as well, which gives us some great crochet projects to enjoy!
1. Mr. Spock
Craftster member Bookaholic made this Amigurumi version of Mr. Spock without a pattern, but due to popular demand, posted a pattern from memory.
2. Dr. Zoidberg

Tracey crocheted Dr. Zoidberg from the TV series Futurama. And then she made another one in blue, which she explains by referring to a parallel universe. And here I thought Futurama was a parallel universe! The pattern is posted at her blog.
3. Bender

Then Tracey was commissioned to produce these two baby Benders, complete with Mexican beer. They were inspired by a Futurama season five episode called "Lethal Inspection." She did an awesome job!
4. Doctor Who

DeviantART member Wolverinegal made an entire series of Doctor Who dolls in 2009. She crocheted each doll first, then made the clothing separately. You can read about the creative process at her blog.
5. Ood

Here's an Ood, a species from the Doctor Who series, as a 7-inch tall Amigurumi figure made by craftster Amy Dice. They've never been so cute! See more crocheted Doctor Who characters in this collection.
6. Discworld

Discworld is a series of books by Terry Pratchett in which the stories take place on a flat world supported on the backs of elephants riding on a giant turtle. June Gilbank turned this concept into a crochet project, which elicited a laugh from the author himself! Gilbank posted some details about how it was made.
7. Han Solo

This Han Solo in Carbonite Throw Pillow was made by Xanadoodle. She crocheted it for laughs, but then received criticism because it's not all that accurate. Geeks can be that way sometimes. I love it!
8. Darth Vader

You'll see a lot of cute little Amigurumi Star Wars characters on the internet, but this Darth Vader by Craftster member mplsdeanna is more like the real character. The pattern is posted so you can make your own.
9. Tom Servo

Craftster member Mage Akyla made Tom Servo from MST3K in two sizes, and shares the pattern. She also has an Etsy store called Mage Akyla's Crocheted Creature Market, where you can find more awesome creations.
10. Cthulhu

No science fiction list would be complete without Cthulhu, although there are enough crocheted Cthulhu projects to fill an entire list by themselves! Cthulhu Chick makes them constantly, in various forms and disguises, like this chef. Check out her Etsy store for the latest projects available for purchase.
See also: 10 Cute and Creepy Crochet Creations and 8 Examples of Witty Knitting.