When you plan your Halloween party, the food must be front and center. Since we published Gruesome Halloween Party Food two years ago, many more creepy and delicious treats have surfaced. Try serving these, and your guests will be talking about your party for years. Warning: some images may be disturbing.
Mummy Rolls
Holly Klein calls these mummy rolls "Morning Mummy!" They are constructed from bread dough, nutella, and frosting eyes. Unlike many Halloween recipes, these look good enough to eat!
Eyeball Cupcakes


AnnaTheRed makes wonderful bento meals in which every piece of food looks like something else. In this project, she uses potato, bacon, and cheese to make headcrabs. Sounds like a delicious side dish for a Halloween feast, if you can get past thinking about what they look like.
Bloody Brain Cupcakes

Oven-baked Tarantula

Unlike most of the recipes here, the Oven-baked Tarantula is a real tarantula, collected from Cambodia and cooked to perfection. It is shipped ready-to-eat. One spider will run you £14.95, but a portion of the proceeds go to endangered species preservation projects in Cambodia.
Spider Cakes

Megan at NotMartha made Crawly Cakes and Spider Cakes in a variety of styles that look good on a Halloween party table and no doubt taste better than the real spider.
Melting Head Cake

Flayed Skin Cheese Ball

If you like the idea of a head on a platter, the Flayed Skin Cheese Ball is your appetizer. The head-shaped cheese is wrapped in thin slices of ham, giving it the look of skinless flesh. Be sure to have plenty of crackers ready.
Naked Mole Rat Cake

See the earlier post Gruesome Halloween Party Food for a bleeding heart gelatin dessert, white chocolate sugar skulls, a fleshworm entree, and more for your Halloween dinner party.