The Quick 10: The Milwaukee Brewers

If you follow me on Twitter at all, you know that my wanderlust took me to Milwaukee this weekend. I know, you're like, "Milwaukee? Really? Yawwwwn." But I actually loved the town. People were really friendly, and wow, do they like their beer (maybe that's why they're so friendly). It's just about impossible to go anywhere in town without being reminded of the city's rich brewing history, whether you're visiting a historic Flemish Renaissance Revival mansion that just happened to belong to a guy named Pabst or watching a little Brewers baseball at Miller Park. Which, incidentally, is what the Quick 10 is about today.

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4. Even though Bernie is the official mascot, there are some fans who might consider Brett Wurst, Stosh, Guido, Frankie Furter and Cinco (or Paco) pretty strong contenders for the title. The Sausage Race started out as a fun little animation to promote Klement Sausages, but the waddling wieners attracted quite the fan base. The 7'3" costumes were introduced sometime in 1994 and have been a staple at games ever since. The latest addition to the gang is Cinco/Paco, whom most fans refer to as Chorizo. And if you're betting on the sausages "“ not that we advocate that "“ your best bet is Frankie Furter. He's got the most wins under his bun. And if you need a laugh this afternoon, here are two ways to get one: the Sausage Bios on the Brewers website ("Polish Sausage came to Milwaukee after years of coaching high school cross-country") and a video of the race on Friday.

5. Mr. Baseball himself, Bob Uecker, has been associated with Milwaukee since he started watching the same minor league Brewers Bud Selig did. When he signed a professional contract, it was with the Milwaukee Braves, but he only stuck around there for a year. He bounced around to a few other teams before turning to broadcasting "“ and Milwaukee. He has called play-by-play for the Brewers Radio Network since 1971 and became much-beloved to the community: Milwaukee-based Miller Brewing hired him for a series of commercials in the "˜80s. These commercials are the reason there are apparently a section of seats at Miller Park called "Uecker Seats" which will give you an excellent view of nothing. Here's the ad:

Also, Uecker's trademark homerun call "“ "Get up, Get up, Get outta here "“ GONE!" will flash above Bernie Brewer's digs whenever the Brewers get a home run. Unfortunately, I witnessed no home runs on Friday.

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7. Miller Park is the only place you'll find Secret Stadium Sauce, which, by the way, is delicious. It was reportedly created at County Stadium in the "˜70s when the vendor there ran short on ketchup. He took the ketchup he had left and combined it with a bunch of other things he had around, including barbeque sauce and smoked syrup, and called it "Secret Stadium Sauce." It has been a favorite of Brew fans ever since, and Bob Costas calls a brat with Secret Stadium Sauce on it his favorite ballpark food.

8. If you're there during the seventh inning stretch, get ready to sing "The Beer Barrel Polka" along with "Take Me Out to the Ballgame." Milwaukeeans love their beer, and I love that Milwaukeeans love their beer.

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