This morning, I got a great email from mental_floss reader (and friend of a friend) Erik Dresner about his experience on Jeopardy! that I had to share. Hope you enjoy it—and his awesome celebratory tattoo—as much as we did!
Hi Erin,
So here's my story:
Back in June, I got the call to appear on Jeopardy!, something I've been trying to do for 10 years. I spent the next six weeks studying Shakespeare, state capitals, world capitals, the presidents and the periodic table. One day before flying out to LA, the new issue of mental_floss, with a whipped creamed mustachioed Alton Brown and a tiny yellow eel on the cover, arrived in my mailbox. Also arriving was my other magazine subscription: Entertainment Weekly.
I brought the magazines for in-flight entertainment during the take off and landing procedures that put an embargo on electronic devices. My plan was to read EW on the way there and mental_floss on the flight back, but halfway through EW, I switched. Who knows, I thought to myself—maybe there will be a tidbit in there that could help me on a clue or two.

I managed to hold my own for the first round of the game. I even got $2000 back when a response I gave earlier ("What is Firewood?") was ruled correct after a review. However, Sara responded correctly on a true Daily Double at the end of the round to take a commanding lead going into Double Jeopardy.
When you're on the show, everything is a blur. I had tunnel vision, focusing on the clues and only the clues with no hunting for Daily Doubles or paying attention to the scores. So when I did stumble upon a Daily Double, I was surprised to see myself in the hunt with over $10,000 and $5000 behind Sarah. I (hindsight: regrettably) wagered conservatively and got an easy one ("What is vulcanization?") to keep it competitive.
When the round ended, I found myself down by $5400 after an incorrect $2000 response. ("What is Mauritius?") My only hope at this point would be a Final Jeopardy that Sara would get wrong.
Then the Final Jeopardy category came up: Modern Opera.
Someone cursed. Others groaned. I laughed. Of course I'd get the opera category. I know little to nothing about opera. I only made it through two-thirds of Faust before leaving out of sheer boredom. It's just not my thing.
I considered betting small, assuming we'd all get it wrong, and hope that Sarah would bet big. But something kept nagging me. Modern Opera. That issue of mental_floss I read on the plane had an article on the modern opera Nixon in China. I remember reading the words "modern opera" about eight times in it. (On a re-read, I found that while those two words appear frequently in it, they're never together.)
I decided this had to be a sign, and bet big. If I was wrong, there was no way I'd win. I was gambling away my one Jeopardy! experience on a response before I even saw the clue.
Jeopardy! (Season 29.3-3) - Sara, Michelle, & Erik by R38102
Back from commercial, the clue is revealed: "This opera begins with Air Force One landing at Beijing."
If you watch the episode, you can see me write the response, very carefully dot the i in Nixon, then take a sigh of relief. But I wasn't out of the woods yet.
The third place contestant, Michelle, answered "What is Miss Saigon?", not a bad guess under the circumstances. I got mine of course. Then it got to Sara who blanked. There it is right there: life's dream realized. Sure, it may be a shallow dream, but Jeopardy! has been my favorite show since I was a teenager.
So thanks to you, mental_floss, I can forever call myself a Jeopardy! Champion, even if it's just for one day. If I wasn't already planning on being a lifetime subscriber, that cemented it.
I've attached two pictures—one of me with Trebek, and the other with my celebratory tattoo. The star represents my one victory (like a World Cup winning team puts on their jerseys). The roman numerals, 6448, represent the episode number. And I'm sure you recognize the little guy swimming through the letters.

Erik Dresner
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