How to Load Your Cat Into a Carrier
It doesn’t have to be a traumatic experience.
It doesn’t have to be a traumatic experience.
The Scottish government won’t be rounding up people’s pets any time soon.
See if you can spot the names of these common (and not so common) terms for animal apprehension.
A family‘s pet cat was mistakenly left on a flight, leading to a cross-country journey from Melbourne to New Zealand and back.
We asked an expert to help us investigate the adorable causes of the tongue-lolling phenomenon.
Tractive‘s GPS tracker offers real-time tracking, health monitoring, and safety features for dog owners.
Cat lovers, take note: Here‘s a list of the most feline-friendly cities worldwide.
People tend to know a bit about the history of popular dog breeds, but cat breeds are just as unique and interesting.
They do it because they love you.
Protect your pets from harmful pathogens by washing their toys properly.
The Shanghai Museum‘s “Meowseum Nights” allowed cats to witness their history.
Traditional Christmas plants like poinsettias, holly, and mistletoe can be dangerous for pets.
You may have no choice but to close a door—much to your cat’s disappointment. Here are some ways you can make this undesirable situation slightly more tolerable.
Pets are a welcome part of the holidays, but a little care is needed to make sure they don't have problems with your decorations.
If your cat chews your hair, don’t worry—he or she probably isn’t trying to eat you.
There are several reasons why cats have this adorable habit.
Find out which states are most preoccupied with their pets.
Though cats only live once, the idea that the animals have nine lives has been around for a long time.
If you’re struggling to come up with a pet name, consider these common choices.
There’s a natural explanation for the very un-catlike sounds your pet starts emitting when it sees a bird or squirrel.
Studying chronic pain in cats just got easier thanks to these cute accessories.
Yes, pet costumes are adorable. But they—along with candy and strangers at the door—can also be dangerous.
This cat proved that love knows no distance when he traveled hundreds of miles to be with his owners.
According to experts, this behavior has a few explanations, but being a bully probably isn’t one of them. We also offer a few solutions for how to stop cats from knocking things over.