The World’s Longest Cruise Hits All 7 Continents in 357 Days

Mundy Cruising via Facebook
Mundy Cruising via Facebook | Mundy Cruising via Facebook

The world’s longest cruise is the ultimate addition to your travel bucket list. The new “World of Travel” package from the UK’s Mundy Cruising is the pinnacle of around-the-world journeys, clocking in at 357 days that will take you to all seven continents, according to Condé Nast Traveler.

The trip leaves from Miami in January and sets sail around South America, stopping in Rio, cruising up the Amazon, taking in Machu Picchu, and more. From there, you’ll travel to Athens and wind your way through the Mediterranean to the UK and through the North Sea and the Baltic all the way to Russia. By late August, you’ll be sailing from Vancouver up to Alaska before going through Central America over to the Atlantic and to New England and Quebec. October will bring you to Australia, and in December, you’ll spend 33 nights traveling around Africa. After you check out Antarctica, you’ll travel to Singapore, where you’ll set sail for China and Indonesia. The trip ends in May 2018.

Each leg of the journey is separate, giving you time to fly home and repack for the next leg of the journey or to travel on your own before meeting your ship at the next continent. The South American and European parts of the cruise are the longest, at 94 and 92 nights each, respectively.

The cost comes in at around $155,000, including business-class flights to your departure points and back home after each leg. If you can’t afford such luxuries, there are plenty of other record-breaking trips that will cost you a little less.

[h/t Condé Nast Traveler]

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