A New Game From Mozilla Teaches Encryption With Emojis



As the line between our digital and personal lives becomes increasingly blurred, ensuring we keep sensitive information secure is more important than ever. Despite this, many web users have no idea how encryption works, or why it's relevant to their lives. A new game from Mozilla aims to tackle this with a concept more people are familiar with: emojis.

On Tuesday, June 28, the software company launched Codemoji, an educational tool that allows players to send encrypted messages in emoji codes or ciphers. On the web-based platform, users write out the message they wish to send then translate it into a string of emojis. In the example given above, the seemingly random combination of pictures reads "It’s that easy" when decoded.

The program is pretty basic, but Mozilla is presenting it as an approachable first step toward learning more about the importance of encryption. On Mozilla’s blog, their executive director is quoted as saying:

"When more people understand how encryption works and why it’s important to them, more people can stand up for encryption when it matters most. This is crucial: Currently, encryption is being threatened around the world."

Amnesty International

regards encryption of personal data as an essential right, but it doesn’t seem to be one many people are taking seriously. According to a poll from earlier this year, just 20 percent of Americans have gone out of their way to encrypt a message or a phone call. If encryption is something you’re thinking about exploring in depth, Mozilla emphasizes that there are more serious tools than Codemoji for sharing sensitive information. Nonetheless, it's a start.

[h/t The Mozilla Blog]