Looking for a New Career? This U.K. Café is Hiring a Cat Nanny

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If you’re obsessed with cats and looking to make a career change, here’s some good news: A cat café opening this spring in Manchester, England, is hiring a cat nanny.

The Telegraph reports that the position at Cat Café Manchester pays £8 an hour and includes responsibilities like playing with and feeding the café’s many felines. From the job description, which was posted on Facebook:

The role of a Cat Nanny is to look after the general wellbeing of the Manchester Cat family alongside encouraging customer interaction with the cats. You will be required to look after the cats and the customers to the highest standards at all times. Shifts for Cat Nannies can be around the clock, when the café is both open to the public and closed. Our opening hours are 9am-9pm Monday to Sunday.

But the job won't be all cuddling and playtime. The cat nanny will also be responsible for cleaning litter and changing the bedding for the cats’ beds.

Co-owners (and sisters) Ellie and Sophie Close hope the café, which is scheduled to open this June, provides a relaxing and educational environment for cats and humans alike. “We want it to be warm comfy and a good place for stress relief,” Ellie told the Manchester Evening News. “People will be able to learn about the breeds and about the individual cats. They’ll even have their own Twitter profiles.”

If you’re interested in applying or finding out more about the operation, check out the café’s Facebook page.

[h/t The Telegraph]