When Is the Best Time to Poop?

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When it comes to taking a dump, it’s hard to know what’s normal. Rarely do our friends and coworkers announce when they’re headed off to do their business, nor do they report the results upon their return. So it’s nearly impossible to tell what the rest of the population is doing behind bathroom doors. For instance, when is the best time to go?

According to a gastroenterologist who spoke to Women’s Health, a morning dump is healthiest. While you sleep, your body is hard at work digesting your food, so it makes sense that you’d need to go not long after climbing out of bed. To help your body run like the beautiful well-oiled machine it is, make sure to eat a fibrous breakfast, drink a little coffee, have a big glass of water, and head to the john at a consistent, regular time. As Women’s Health reminds us, as important as eating right is, “your bowels also love habits.”

Of course, everyone’s body is different, and what’s normal for you may not be normal for another person. You may poop three times a day, while someone else poops every other day. If you go like clockwork every day at noon or 8 p.m., just roll with it (as long as you’re going at least three times a week [PDF]). As long as you’re sticking to your personal intestinal schedule, you’re golden.

Just remember: As much as you love a good bathroom read, sitting around on the toilet can lead to hemorrhoids. If it’s not going to happen, don’t waste your time sitting around waiting for that perfect morning magic. Abandon ship. And perhaps consider getting a squatty potty

[h/t Women’s Health]

This story was originally published in 2016.