So you’ve graduated college, moved into your own apartment, and snagged a full-time job. As a fully responsible adult human, you’re still a work in progress, but now is the time to really step up your game. Time to set your phone settings to Adult. Here are nine apps you should download to help you get there.

It’s time to learn to live within your means, and even save some money. Level is a budget app that will tell you exactly how much you can spend on any given day or week and still make ends meet. Just connect it to your bank account, put in your sources of income, your recurring bills, and how much you’d like to save each month, and it will calculate your “spendable” cash. You can also track certain categories of purchases, helping you realize that you’re spending $200 on Starbucks every month and only $50 on actual groceries.

For when you’re grown up enough to know your home shouldn’t be covered in a two-inch thick layer of dust and grime, but not quite ready to invest in cleaning supplies and spend hours scrubbing your shower. On Handy, you can book a regular cleaning service or a one-time touch up (hint for the stingy: You can sign up for the discounted weekly or monthly cleaning and just reschedule your bookings into infinity). You can even hire someone to paint your room or come put up those bookshelves that have been sitting unassembled for six months.
You’re not as young as you used to be, and that friend-of-a-friend who crashes your party might sue you when he falls off his keg stand and breaks his leg in your kitchen. You have expensive electronics that could get stolen when your starter apartment in the only neighborhood you can afford gets robbed. Your Craigslist roommate might burn down the house by leaving one of his monster joints lying around. So just go ahead and get renter’s insurance. Allstate’s Digital Locker app is a good place to start. It’s free to use, and lets you inventory your home just by taking photos of your stuff, so you can document it all before you need to file a claim.
As you start to take on more responsibilities at work, you’ll probably need to check your work email outside of the office on occasion (though we do not condone this kind of behavior!). On the bright side, Outlook’s phone app is way easier on the eyes—and easier to use—than its desktop equivalent. Some even call it the best mobile app for email around.

You’re never going to own a Rolodex. Accept it. But that doesn’t mean you’ll never need the info on a business card that was handed to you at that networking conference six months ago. Evernote’s Scannable app can be used to digitize business cards, pulling additional information about that contact from their LinkedIn profile. It also does receipts, so you’ll have them ready when those expense reports come due. Unfortunately, they haven’t come up with an Android version yet.
Find it: iOS
It’s super easy to pay your friends back with Venmo, but the app has notorious security issues. Upgrade to something that will protect your money when something goes wrong. Google Wallet is a safer way to send money to your friends using just their email address or phone number. It’s monitored for fraud, FDIC-insured, and protected by MasterCard’s liability coverage so that you aren’t responsible for any rogue transactions—and if the company happened to go under, your unused funds would still be safe.

You’re a grown up. Please, just make a reservation for that six-person brunch.
You can’t live on takeout forever. Organize your grocery shopping efforts with your roommates or significant other using a syncing list app like AnyList (available for iPhone) or Out of Milk (available for Android). Both let you create and share grocery lists, and will update everyone when something is added or checked off. Use it for food, cleaning supplies, toilet paper, or any other purchases you share. No one wants four gallons of milk in the fridge—or worse, none at all.
Find it: AnyList for iOS, Out of Milk for Android

Let’s just get it out there: Being an adult-in-progress can be hard. The job market is stressful, having to buy your own groceries is a pain, and you may not know very many people in your new city. Koko is a social networking app for better mental health. You can post your worries and anxieties and other people will help you think about them in a new light. Remember to give yourself a break now and then.
Find it: iOS, sign up for the forthcoming Android app at