A Collection of the World's Most Hideous Public Transit Seats


There's something about public transportation that inspires wild—and often grotesque—designs. Airports tend to have such gaudy carpets that there is an entire website dedicated to these miserable patterns. But carpets are not the only medium for hideous design: Seats on buses, subways, and airplanes also fall victim to unseemly patterns. Sitzmuster des Todes (“Seating Pattern of Death”) is a German website dedicated to ugly transit seating from around the world.

Global travelers are welcome to submit photos of offensive seating to their Facebook page. There's also a “Hall of Death” featuring some of the most hideous designs the curators have ever seen. The designs—mostly things that look like a '90s computer puked up—are not for the faint of heart.

The organization says that they “have nothing against public transport” but hope that one day their children can board public transit “without having to constantly vomit.” At the very least, seats should not have eyeball patterned cushions.

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[h/t: CityLab]

Header images courtesy of Frederick Dennstedt, Flickr // CC BY-SA 2.0