Studio Ghibli is one of the most beloved animation studios on Earth, spawning its own museum and a theme park that's opening in 2022. If you're an artist who grew up watching movies like Spirited Away (2001), Princess Mononoke (1997), and My Neighbor Totoro (1988), you may be the perfect match for this new job: As It's Nice That reports, Studio Ghibli is seeking digital painters to work on its new feature film.
The studio's new painters will be responsible for putting the finishing touches on the upcoming animated movie How Do You Live? When the job starts on October 1, 2019, they'll work directly with Hayao Miyazaki (no, the 78-year-old director hasn't retired yet) to digitally paint the feature film. Salary depends on experience, with a base pay of $2236 a month, and the gig will last at least 1.5 years.
To land the job, you'll need to have experience working with 2D animation software and a grasp of the Japanese language. You also need to be over 20 years old and a resident of Japan as of May 31.
Aspiring Ghibli artists can apply for the job by filling out a form and sending it to the company by the end of May. And if you're looking to boost your job skills, you can download the animation software used to create some of the studio's most iconic films.
[h/t It's Nice That]