With April now officially upon us, the wait for the highly-anticipated Avengers: Endgame is that much closer to being over. Even though the film’s release is just around the corner, Marvel is still being extremely secretive in their marketing of the movie—no doubt in an attempt to offer up as many surprises as they can over the film's reported three-hour-plus runtime. But fear not, MCU fans, as LEGO has officially unveiled their new lineup of toys tailor-made to commemorate the blockbuster event.
The sets feature many of the characters fans would expect, including the heroic Captain America, the Mad Titan Thanos, and franchise newcomer Captain Marvel. There are five sets in total, which range in price from $20 to $100, and will be available beginning today.

Some of the highlights include the Avengers Compound Battle set, which features a buildable version of the iconic Avengers HQ, complete with a two-floor office building and helipad. The playset also contains seven characters: Iron Man, Captain Marvel, Nebula, and a 4-armed Outrider as minifigures; Thanos and Hulk as posable big figures; and an appropriately sized Ant-Man microfigure. With 699 total pieces, this set looks to be one of the major standouts of the collection. Plus, that Ant-Man microfigure is really adorable.

But if massive battles aren’t your cup of tea, you might fancy the Iron Man Hall of Armor set, where you’ll have access to all the sweet Stark tech you could want. Minifigures included in this set feature some of the many suits designed by Tony Stark throughout the movies, including the Iron Man MK 50, which was was prominently displayed in last year’s Avengers: Infinity War. But the real fun comes with building the laboratory itself, which features cool little details like a rotating podium, display cases for the individual armors, and arguably the most important item: a smoothie machine. The set also includes an Outrider minifigure, as well as a large posable Igor mech suit figure—all of which totals 524 pieces.
Other Lego playsets include the 167-piece Captain America: Outriders Attack, the 362-piece War Machine Buster, and the 838-piece Avengers Ultimate Quinjet, which features many other notable characters like Thor, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Rocket Raccoon.
Buy them all on the LEGO Shop.
Whichever set you choose, these toys are sure to satisfy all your superhero needs until Avengers: Endgame hits theaters on April 26.
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