Tired of giving your kids the same green plastic shreds and dead-eyed chocolate bunnies every Easter? Pinterest has some creative alternatives for you. As always, don’t forget to check out mental_floss's own Pinterest for all that is odd, useful or awesome. And think beyond the basket!
Alternative Hunts
1. Rainbow Hunt

Your basket is waiting for you after you complete an obstacle course crossed with a game of twister. Each participant follows their own yarn color around every tree, doghouse, and other kid in the yard to get to their reward. Pinned by Deon Durham.
2. Puzzle Eggs

This clever idea is designed to make your child think for his reward. Each hidden egg contains a piece of the puzzle that will eventually tell them where the chocolate is hidden. Pinned by Georgia Smith.
3. Panning for Easter

A great idea for tiny hands, small spaces, or parents with grass allergies. Panning for chocolate gold (or toys, pretty rocks, whatever). All it takes is sand, a sifter and a shovel. Pinned by Amy Echevarria.
Alternative Baskets
4. Origami Bunny Baskets

Looking to add some complicated elegance to your Easter? Follow the link to learn how to make these beautiful origami bunny baskets. Pinned by BonBon Break.
5. Beach Towel Basket

No need to litter your carpet with plastic grass and stuff your garbage full of bent and twisted … whatever Easter baskets are woven from now. Take a pretty towel, fold, tie and stuff, and you have an Easter basket that will be useful for years. Pinned by Susie Chadwick.
6. Theme Baskets

Eschew the whole Easter is Edible idea all together, and go for a unifying theme basket. Sports, Barbie, Lego, Books, whatever your kid is into. Pinned by Courtney Hohimer.
Alternatives to Baskets
7. Tackle Box

Does your little wild child of undesignated gender have no interest in pink ribbons and cutesy bunnies? Then how about equipping them with their very own Easter tackle-box! Pinned by Lura McCoy.
8. Easter Candy-Cake

Some of the prettiest shades of your favorite candies come out at Easter, so what better time to put together a plastic pastel pastry as an alternative to a basket. Pinned by brittney resor.
9. Bunny Bags

The good chocolate is expensive, so if you want to fill an Easter “basket” with the good stuff, consider the small volume of these little bunny bags, template available at MerMag. Pinned by Cynthia Chu.
Egg Alternatives
10. Paint-It-Yourself Wooden Eggs

These elegant wood eggs are sold by snugglymonkey. They can be painted by the kids, and even work their way into the family keepsake box to be reused every year. Pinned by Erica Harris.
11. Felt Pocket Eggs

If your Easter will be spent with especially tiny people—the kind who crawl and are likely to end an Easter egg hunt with a diaper full of grass clippings—you’re probably considering an indoor hunt. simply sewn little charmers will hide the perfect amount of teddy grahams for your little scavenger. Pinned by Hannah Hilliard-Bouvier.
12. Healthy Food Eggs

Try filling plastic eggs with healthy, natural snacks. Which will make you that mom, but it’s probably worth it. Pinned by Lori T.
13. Coupon Eggs

If you really want to avoid the candy but still give your little ones a treat, try filling plastic eggs with Kid Coupons. Coupons to get out of a chore, watch TV, and stay up late may just make the kids forget about all the jelly beans that could have fit into a single plastic egg. Pinned by Julie Metcalf.
14. Confetti Eggs

Confetti eggs can be fun for older kids. Drain and dry the eggs, fill with confetti, and maybe a touch of potpourri for good measure. Paste over with tissue paper. You break them over the heads of your loved ones while they make a wish. And if you’re extra awesome, and very good at folding, one of the eggs can have money hiding inside. Pinned by The Flair Exchange.