As long as people have sewed, they've probably been frustrated by attempting to push thread through needles. It turns out an easy alternative to aiming your thread at a needle and missing a dozen times has been available to us all along. Twitter user John Bick shared the ingenious method in a recent video.
Instead of wetting the end of a string and attempting to stab it through the needle's eye, lay the thread on your hand or some other surface. Press the eye of the needle against the center of the thread and twist it: You should see the needle pull a long loop through its eye with little effort on your part. Now all you have to do is pull one end of the loop all the way through to get a perfectly threaded needle.
Hopefully the helpfulness of the hack outweighs the pain of knowing you've been threading needles wrong your whole life. As you can see from the tweets below, that wasn't the case for some people.
Magic that would had saved me years on my life!!!
— Laura ลอร'า 劳拉 (@lsirikul) April 4, 2018
Good grief. After 50 years of going cross-eyed ?
— Dàibhidh???????Saor Alba (@Bell32796) April 3, 2018
Dammit, I need hours of my life back now. #mulligan
— jason alexander (@IJasonAlexander) April 4, 2018