This Set of 40 Life-Size Amish Wax Figures Could Be Yours

Craigslist/Dana DiCicco
Craigslist/Dana DiCicco | Craigslist/Dana DiCicco

If online classified ads have taught us anything, it’s that if you want something badly enough—no matter how weird or seemingly impractical—you’re likely no more than a few clicks away. And today, that goes double if you’re in the market for a small army of life-size wax Amish figures.

Dana DiCicco posted the ad on Craigslist, where it was spotted by For sale are 40 full-size Amish wax figures—32 men, five women, three children—and one dog figure. According to the ad, the figures are of “varying sizes, ages and details” and come with exchangeable wardrobes to “suit your historical or theatrical needs.”

Craigslist/Dana DiCicco

DiCicco told that she's selling the figures for her uncle, who manages the Amish Farm and House tourist attraction in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Originally, these figures were a part of the now-defunct National Wax Museum of Lancaster County Heritage, which, according to an email DiCicco sent Mental Floss, featured a “barn raising scene that showcased these wax figures.” They were sold to the Amish Farm and House attraction after the museum closed down in 2006.

The same museum held an auction in 2007, where a wax Ben Franklin scene sold for $4100 and an anonymous bidder known only as "Mr. Ponytail Man" spent more than $40,000 on figures—more than $2500 of it going toward an animatronic Abe Lincoln campaign scene.

The original plan for the figures DiCicco is selling was to recreate the barn-raising scene at the Amish Farm and House attraction, but the figures have been in storage ever since they were initially purchased, a scene which DiCicco told was a bit ominous.

“When I went to see them in storage, they definitely looked creepy,” she said. “It looked like a scene from the Gettysburg battlefield.”

Craigslist/Dana DiCicco

While DiCicco knows these figures will get plenty of attention online due to how “creepy” they look, she’s hopeful that they can be sold in a set to a serious buyer for further educational and historical purposes, which is something she knows her uncle would love.

If this type of niche purchase just so happens to be what you’re looking for, DiCicco is selling these adult characters for $350 each and the dog/child for $300 each. Five of the adult male figures are mechanical (one of them even talks) and are going for $1500 individually.
