By this time of year, we've seen list after list of great Halloween costumes, not to mention the many cosplay galleries that appear all year long. Buried in those lists, there are some costumes that require you to think, because they aren't all that obvious. Some illustrate a concept instead of a character. Others bring to mind a common phrase or adage. And yet others signify a pun that will make you laugh -once you figure it out. Here are some of those wordplay costumes you might enjoy.

Redditor Brettera hung a bicycle wheel in front for her Halloween costume. It doesn't make much sense by itself, but as you can see in this gallery of pictures, she spent the evening posing with people wearing couple's costumes. She is the Third Wheel!

Brettera's inspiration came from her boyfriend, who teamed up with his roommate for a sort-of couples costume without her. A couple's pun costume. These cheerleaders are ceiling fans.

This picture has been reposted so many times, I can't find who is wearing this clever but simple last-minute pun costume. I'm sure that you can figure it out if you stare at his chest for a moment. Spotted at The Chive. Oh yeah, it's a spice rack.

In 2005, the big movie in theaters was The Legend of Zorro, starring Antonio Banderas. T.J. Griffin spiced up his Zorro costume by adding some Canadian flags to his neckerchief and armband and was "Zorro, featuring Ontario Bandanas." Ha!

Redditor zacch mixed a literary figure with a statement on the trend of inappropriately sexy Halloween costumes when he dressed as Edgar Allan Ho. He explained:
I have a little paper sticking out of my pocket that says "Nevermore..." If people didn't get it I told them I was Hipster Hitler.
Of course, the picture sparked dozens of further puns about Poe.

If we are going to go with literary puns, we cannot overlook this year's hottest novel, which was easy to recreate with a trip to the paint store for sample swatches. Behold, they had 50 Shades of Grey.

Heisenberg is a dangerous drug manufacturer, but Heisenburger is a delicious pun.

A dachshund dressed up as Anthony Weiner Dog at the 23rd Annual Halloween Dog Parade at Tompkins Square Park in New York City.

This is the one that made me laugh when I saw it. Sure, it's an outdated stereotype but they had to overdo it to make sure everyone gets the pun. French KISS. A year later, even more people are trying this one.

And then there's the pun you have to travel around the world for. It's a good thing redditor yourenotmydad had a sign -otherwise, he'd have had to tell that whole joke to everyone who saw him!

Under the category of things instead of characters, redditor Illinformedpseudoint caught a photograph of a guy dressed as the opening credits of the TV sitcom Cheers. See how well he recreated the iconic image that those of us of a certain age remember so well. He even has the expression down pat!

Many people try to be a Disney character, but it takes real courage to be a Disney theme park! Rob Cockerham's Halloween costumes have been featured here before, but this year's is something else altogether. He constructed a miniature replica of Disneyland, made to wear at an angle, so people could see it. That's his face sticking out of Sleeping Beauty's castle. The pictures of the finished costume are on page 17 of the post. Can he walk around in it? Yes, but he cannot lift his own drink. Doorways may be a problem, too.