Pizza is popular around the world, and while it may be a great way to show off your favorite flavor combinations, it hasn’t exactly been a great means of artistic expression—until now.
1. A Variety of Geeky Goodness

Redditor Cat_Water shared these pizzas on the site and deservedly received almost 900 upvotes. To thank the community for their support, he not only posted a picture of the Santa and Spongebob pizzas after they were baked, but also made a special Reddit pizza.

Fittingly, while the alien looks cute, the fact that he’s made almost entirely from onion sort of makes him a pizza-topping troll.
2. Spongebob Square Pants

Pasadena pizza place Brothers Pies N’ Fries has this great picture on their Yelp page. I don’t know about you guys, but that immediately makes me want to go there and order the pizza that lives in a pineapple under the sea.
3. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

If you know anything about the TMNT, you know those turtles love pizza. That’s precisely why FooGos’ TMNT logo made from pizza is just so perfect.
4. Dalek

As Redditor kirbyfood points out, this Dalek pizza might just be the most dangerous pizza in all the universe. Fortunately, it still looks pretty tasty, so if The Doctor defeats this Dalek, he gets a nice snack afterwards.
5. Jack Skellington

The best thing about this pizza by Instructables user dadalibrarian is that rather than just put some olives on the nose, eyes and mouth and calling it a day, the creator actually took the time to sculpt out Jack’s teeth and boney eyes and nose, giving the pizza details that made the end result so much more impressive.
6. Angry Birds

I suggest always using pork pepperoni in this creation; it seems fitting that the Angry Bird be made from the remnants of his sworn piggy enemies. You can make your own thanks to this tutorial by Pip and Ebby.
7. House Sigils

Geekologie reader 4lbatroz celebrated the second season premiere of Game of Thrones with these fantastic house sigil pizzas. No word if he made them himself or actually found a pizza place that was awesome enough to do this for him, but either way, that’s one heck of a way to cater a premiere party.
8. Iron Man

Redditor endrbn made this masterpiece with nothing but pepperoni, cheese, olives, and onion. If you’re wondering what the black lines are made from—those are olive puree. I only wish we could see the cooked final product.
9. Ms. Pac-Man

While iD Tech Camps’ Ms. Pac-Man looks like she’s just covered in American cheese, the topping is a lot more complex and arguably tastier, since it’s really alfredo sauce with a few drops of food coloring. With roasted red peppers, tomatoes, and olives for the details, she’s both stylish and tasty.
10. Pokeball

When you think about it, pizza is a lot like Pokemon. Everyone has their favorite, but a true fan knows you’ve gotta catch them all—although after catching them, let’s hope you only eat the pizza, not the Pokemon. That’s why this Pokeball pizza ordered by DeviantArt user rawrlz is so great—that and the fact that it’s certainly the coolest way ever to order half cheese and half pepperoni.
11. Octopus

Granted, it’s not a pop culture reference like many of the others, but if you’re into nature then you know just how amazingly awesome octopi truly are. Besides, it’s hard to ignore the simple fact that by creating doughy arms and pepperoni tentacles, this might just be the most amazing piece of pizza art on this list. Best of all, if you want to make your own, Instructables user donedirtcheap documented every step to creating this tasty tentacle treat.
I’m more into decorating traditional pies than pizza pies, because I’m big on having nicely distributed toppings on pizza. What about you guys? Have any of you ever made fun creations with your pizza?