8 Creative Periodic Tables

The Periodic Table of the Elements is a wonderful aid in understanding chemistry, if you understand the reasons the elements are sorted the way they are. The table itself is a model of information classification. No wonder folks want to use this structure to classify other types of information -although science geeks can see right away whether the artist really understands the original table. That said, we can all enjoy periodic tables of items other than elements.

1. Advice Animals

In the past year or so, the internet has experienced a proliferation of image macro memes featuring animals giving (humorous but useless) advice. To keep up with the barrage, Know Your Meme constructed the Periodic Table of Advice Animals. This is a large table; only a small portion is shown here. And since it was published two-and-a-half weeks ago, there are probably newer memes that are not included.

2. Storytelling


DeviantART member Computer Sherpa made the Periodic Table of Storytelling for a Visual Design class. The shape differs a little from the periodic table of elements, but that's because this one really works for the purpose of classifying the elements of storytelling. Exploring the tropes in this table could cause you to miss work today, so you might want to save it for the weekend. Shown here is a screenshot taken from the middle of the table. You can buy this table as an art print.

3. Sandwichery


The Periodic Table of Sandwichery is an art poster containing instructions for making 58 different sandwiches. As far as I can tell, you'll have to buy one to actually read any of the ingredient lists, but I am always open to a new sandwich recipe!

4. Baseball Hall of Famers


The Periodic Table of Hall of Famers is headed by Babe Ruth on the left and Walter Johnson on the right. We only have room for a part of it here, but at Wezen-Ball, you can see that the full version classifies players as The Nobles, Highly Temperamental, The Radioactives, Relievers, 500 Home Run Club, 3000 Hits Club, Short-Lived, 300 Wins Club, Traditional, and Primarily Defense. Sports fans can argue all day about who belongs where.

5. Middle Class


The London creative agency Not Actual Size produced the Periodic Table of the Middle Class to promote The Middle Class Handbook, which explores how Britain's middle class is becoming fragmented into subcultures that coalesce around tastes instead of income level. Only a portion is shown here; luckily, the website includes an explanation for each "element."

6. Cookies


The last three periodic tables in this list are the original table of elements, with a twist. Mrs. Humble at Not So Humble Pie made cookies and arranged them into a periodic table! The resulting Science Cookies were a hit for Thanksgiving. She says cooking is a lot like chemistry.

Really the only difference is, in chemistry you never get to lick your spoons.

7. Building Blocks


Periodic Table Building Blocks are designed for science students from one to three years old, although adults love them as well. The twenty blocks contains all the elements, so you'd need to buy three sets in order to see them all at once, but that's not really necessary for learning the elements -or for building a baby fort!

8. The Periodic Coffee Table


The Periodic Coffee Table of Elements is expensive, but oh-so-impressive. The cells contain samples of the actual elements!

By embedding all element samples in clear acrylic, they are beautifully presented and also protected from tarnishing. This format also helps to addresses health and safety issues, as all potentially toxic or corrosive substances are permanently encased in a thick layer of robust resin. Argon gas and mineral oil is further used to ampoule reactive samples and preserve their freshly cut appearance. Individual acrylic blocks are available for sale, although read the shipping section carefully as some elements are costly to send internationally.

The table was designed in partnership with Theodore Gray, who produced the periodic table of elements as a pieces of furniture with element samples. Gray's original table was featured in the first post of this series.


The earliest post on this subject, Periodic Tableware includes comic book characters, desserts, and funk music. And a couple of real tables you can work or eat at!

More Periodic Tableware covers those of candy, vegetables, website, and mathematicians. And don’t forget the periodic table shower curtain available in the mental_floss store!

8 Alternative Periodic Tables looked at the subjects of cupcakes, typefaces, printing projects, cartoons, video game characters, videos about the real elements, LEGO® bricks, and something called awesoments which will become clear when you take a look.

8 Odd Periodic Tables has tables for elephants, Chuck Norris, social media, game controllers, mixology, rejected elements, interacting elements, and vulgarity.

9 Strange Periodic Tables was heavy on food, as we looked at periodic tables of pumpkins, beer, Gummi Bears, Scoville Units, Canada, smellaments, a picnic table, and a periodic table of periodic tables.

8 Curious Periodic Tables covered Mad Men, rock-n-roll, breakfast cereals, cheese, herbs and spices, produce storage, super powers, and irrationality.