Yes, friends, it's that time of year again "“- the time of year when we gather together with friends and family to share feats of strength, airing our grievances and putting up the seasonal aluminum pole. Indeed, it's Festivus. What started as a joke on Seinfeld has become a bona fide holiday. Here are a few things you need to know before you break out the Festivus pole.

2. Rod Blagojevich inspired a Festival celebration just last year when a Festivus pole mysteriously appeared in the Illinois State Capitol's rotunda. It turned out that a college student had erected the pole as his "airing of grievances" against corrupt governor Blagojevich. The pole has returned this year.

5. Not to be outdone, a Wisconsin man put his own Festivus pole up at City Hall in Green Bay amidst a raging debate over whether a government building should have a nativity scene. Some people weren't very happy about his compromise, but another rather prominent Wisconsin resident happily displays his Festivus pole: the governor. When a Wisconsin-based company sent him a Festivus pole a couple of years ago, he promptly displayed it in his house. It's now in the state historical museum.
6. Speaking of which, if you want your own Festivus pole and can't be bothered to go to Home Depot and buy a pole (And rest assured I'm not mocking you; I would be in the same boat), you can check out They're pretty sweet.
7. There are also a few Festivus-based crafts over at There are greeting cards (I especially like the one that says "You're a Disapointment!"), a worksheet for the Airing of your Grievances and a Feats of Strength Challenge Card ("I can't read it! I need my glasses!")

9. If you're killing time at work today or tomorrow like a lot of people are, you can read the entire script for the Festivus episode ("The Strike") here.

Does anyone out there celebrate Festivus? Let us know what your traditions entail.