All fall, you guys have been filling up our inbox with your best Halloween photos. Get in the holiday spirit by looking at some of our favorite submissions. Apologies for all the pagination—we don't typically do that, but we also don't typically stick 60 photos in a post. Enjoy!
Olivia sent in this picture of herself dressed as a ninja. No word on the identity or whereabouts of the hostage beside her.
Brian, Abby & Hannah Segool, circa 1993. (From Abby: "My parents started me on the road to nerd-dom early in life.")

Marion Germaine sent in this photo of her daughter as a cute little polar bear. A cute little polar bear feasting on the flesh of a bloody severed leg.
Here's one from the 1970s. Scarlett Messenger is dressed as a bat, and her shirt reads "DING" in big red letters. "Yes, I went to school dressed as a Ding Bat. I don't think the scars have healed yet."

Elizabeth-Anne Cobb sets the bar pretty high for people who make their costume out of a box each year.
We've all seen Harry Potter, Severus Snape and Cho Chang costumes, but Angela Kerchner's family waded deeper into the canon—here's her husband and daughter as Xenophilis and Luna Lovegood.

Angela's other daughter played a convincing Moaning Myrtle.

The rules for Christopher Schwarz's costumes are as follows: "1) A good amount of people must know who I am right away. 2) When I go to Halloween parties, no one else should be dressed the same way." (You'll hear from him again.)

Jade Thompson and her boyfriend cleaned up at costume contests last year.

Nathan Jackson as...Nathan Jackson! (Apologies to the rest of you who submitted photos of your Nathan Jackson costumes. Only had room for one.)

Anneke Majors has pulled off both Frida Kahlo and a jellyfish.

Anneke also sent in this photo of her friend Abby as Tippi Hedren (from The Birds).

Jake Meek said his Bob Ross attire was purchased in the ladies department at a local thrift store, "which I can only assume is where all men's clothing from the '70s currently resides." He's posing with the Orbit Gum Lady. Advertising characters are always a popular choice. Let's run through a bunch of mascots...

Here are the same two, this time as The Hamburgler and the woman on the Sunmaid Raisins box.

One of my favorites—Allison Brooks as Toucan Sam!
Tricia Williamson's husband creeped people out as The King. ("He went around all night offering a burger to people and showing up in the window. 4 years later people are still talking about it.")

Not sure why, but I was very happy to see someone dressed as Colonel Sanders. Well played, Liz Somes.

Patrick & Amanda McCullough as Mr. Clean & Mrs. Dirty.

Here's Christopher Schwarz again, this time as The Hamburgler.
Megan as the Travelocity Roaming Gnome, along with a salt shaker (Mariah) and a "cereal killer" (Anna Frick -- "that's why cereal is glued to my shirt and spoons are attached to my gloves.")
Who wants to see some superheros and villains?

Lots of superhero costumes. Rebekah Davies sent in this photo of her co-worker Michael as Captain America. ("He made it from scratch, including sewing the shield from individual pleather tiles he cut out...hundreds of them.")
Heidi Hurst is Highlighter Girl! (Superpower: "I brighten your day!")

Melissa Shumate as Wonder Woman (with a Burger King crown for good measure).

Rachel Moore as Doctor Horrible!
Christopher Schwarz makes his third and final appearance on our list, this time as Two-Face.
It's Optimus Vance Rutherford!
Nathan Stewart gives away his how-to-be-Pinhead-from-Hellraiser secret: "I used liquid latex to cover my entire head, then painted toothpicks silver for the nails. A little dab of latex on the end of the toothpicks and they stuck without any problems. I even made my own Lament Configuration out of a block of wood."

Is the Tooth Fairy a hero? Kevin Kroll put an intimidating spin on the role.
Kerry Ruscitti and her husband went the American Gothic route.
I'm sure Joanne Christensen's kids are thrilled she sent in this photo from Halloween '98.
Regina Ruopoli and her elaborate, hand-made peacock costume.
Dressed as Super Princess Peach, Stefa Nunes ran into a couple of Mario Brothers.
Gino and his boyfriend pulled off a convincing Mario & Luigi, too.

Last year, Chelsea Glaze and her boyfriend "decided to be vikings because vikings are just awesome."
Not as many political costumes as I expected. Here are Melanie and Sarah as Bristol and Sarah Palin.
Linda McGee as "What the Well-Dressed Lady in Pacolet (SC) Is Wearing This Year."

Connor in CA bounced from house to house as Tigger.
Missa Haas says her cat, Sunny, is wild about Halloween. Sunny is also terrifying.
Laura Gryder sent in this star-powered photo: Peg Bundy, Nathan Explosion of Dethklok, and Richard Simmons.

Keegan Greenier explains: "Pillow stuffed in front. Black tights. Giant, yellow-rimmed sunglasses. Long live the '80s."
From Laurier Nicas: "I really loved Waldo growing up. Proof? Halloween 1991, Age 6. What this photo doesn't prove is that I am actually a girl."
Said Dominique Grant of her Waldo: "This was the best costume for getting in the background of other people's pictures."
Cindy Allen sent us these photos of her son as Legolas from The Lord of the Rings.
While they're not in costume, I had to include this photo of Ed and Heidi. I can respect a gourd hat that requires wiring.

Nicole Nasuti as Prison Martha, from 2004.
Alexzandra & Ashley Rico as a bunch of grapes and someone riding a pony-on-a-stick.
Ashley went all out in her portrayal of Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas.
The pride of Burbank, Ky Matthes went as Carol Burnett's character from her show's "Went With the Wind" skit.
Our first zombie, Carol Galloway.

We haven't met one of our neighbors down the street, and will be using Halloween as an excuse to pop in and say hello. Here's hoping they're dressed up like Robert & Julie Ashe when they open the door.
Another great one—here are Melissa Shumate and her sister Al rocking homemade Care Bears costumes.
Let's wrap this up with a few photos of various mental_floss staffers...
Staff Photos
Last year, Paul & Stacy Conradt got all dolled up as Sweeney Todd and Mrs. Lovett. Wonder what she's planning this year?
And here's Stacy from yesteryear.
Miss Cellania as a rock and roll witch; Andréa Fernandes as a really scary clown.
Scott Allen as the DC Metro.
On the right, Brett Savage as Robin. On the left, Jason Plautz as...well, I'm not sure. I don't think it's actually from Halloween, but I really love that pic. I may go as that next year.
The Higgins Brothers, circa 1981. Mike as The Lone Ranger; Chris as a kitty cat.
Also from Halloween '81: my wife and I pay tribute to our favorite Sesame Street characters. Our 15-month-old daughter will follow in our footsteps tomorrow when she steps into an Elmo costume. She loves Elmo in books and as a doll, but I'm not certain she actually wants to be Elmo. This could get interesting.
Happy Halloween, everybody! Hope it's a memorable one. Take some good pics for next year's round-up.