Reusable water bottles


Even though I have a Brita in my home, I still find myself buying too much bottled water. Would this change if I committed to a reusable beverage container? Why not--I'm already Brita groupie. The LA Times has the story on the recent surge of bottled water manufacturers goading each other into going green:

The company that makes Brita water filters teamed up Monday with Nalgene, a manufacturer of reusable beverage containers, to launch the FilterForGood campaign, aimed at weaning people off throwaway bottles. "Refilling our own personal water bottle with filtered water from the tap requires far less energy and wastes almost no resources relative to bottled water," said Josh Dorfman, a spokesman for the campaign and the author of "The Lazy Environmentalist: Your Guide to Easy, Stylish, Green Living." "Refilling our own personal water bottle with filtered water from the tap requires far less energy and wastes almost no resources relative to bottled water," said Josh Dorfman, a spokesman for the campaign and the author of "The Lazy Environmentalist: Your Guide to Easy, Stylish, Green Living."

At FilterForGood's home page, you'll immediately be reminded that:

Last year, Americans threw away 38 billion plastic water bottles, about $1 billion worth of plastic1. That's a huge waste, especially considering 1.5 million barrels of oil - enough to fuel 100,000 cars for a year - were used to produce the bottles2. And that's not even including the oil used for transportation.

What do you think--is giving up bottled water hard to do? I suppose looting craft service should count, too...